Natural latex mattresses are made from the sap of rubber trees while memory foam mattresses are made primarily from polyurethane foam.
You will sink into a memory foam mattress while natural latex mattresses are more buoyant.
Memory foam mattresses sleep hot. They historically trap heat although in recent years some manufacturers add a cooling gel so the mattresses don’t get so hot. Natural latex mattresses are cooler. Their design is generally porous (little holes) which provide excellent air flow for a comfortable sleep.
Natural latex mattresses are more durable than memory foam and generally last longer.
Experts consider natural latex mattresses to be of a higher quality but they also cost more.
Memory foam is polyurethane that contains many different chemicals while 100% natural latex mattresses have no chemicals.
With memory foam, recovery time is slow. In other words, when you get off of the mattresses it takes longer to regain its’ original shape. Latex, on the other hand, recovers its’ shape quickly.
There are two different kinds of latex: Natural latex and Synthetic latex. Natural latex comes from rubber trees while synthetic latex is ‘synthetic.
Some mattresses companies advertise that they are natural latex but many of them are actually blends of natural and synthetic (Do your homework to understand what you are buying)
Natural latex comes in two different forms: Talalay latex and Dunlop latex.