There are approximately 872 websites using Sarka-Spip as of February 2020.
France is the country with the most usage.
The most popular version of Sarka-Spip is 3.4.10
The latest version is 4.5.7
Version 4.5.11 was last updated in December of 2019. This version is compatible with version SPIP 3.0, SPIP 3.1 and SPIP 3.2.
The are currently 36 versions of Sarka-Spip
Sarka-SPIP is a general skeleton which offers all the panoply of basic functions allowing to visualize the editorial objects of SPIP but also some extras like the diary, the gallery, the forums type phpBB, the restricted access (via the plugin), favorite sites.
It is compatible with many plugins that it often integrates natively.
Intended for all audiences, it is easy to install and use. For webmasters, even beginners, it remains easy to personalize through its interface integrated into the private space of SPIP.
This responsive version stands out from the previous ones by adopting the Z principles and the Bootstrap framework.
The original Sarka-Spip website was first registered in 2005.
Sarka-SPIP is a SPIP template designed to fit with various usages. It allows all SPIP objects editing and implements some extra features as gallery, diary, sites collection, etc. The template ensures integration of the most popular SPIP plug-ins as crayons, accès restreint, SPIP-Listes, Thickbox, Boutons Texte and so on.
Some websites currently using Sarka-Spip are: