PLEASE NOTE: We are not scientists, microbiologists, or medical experts so our opinion is based on a layman’s analysis of the specs and information provided by the company on the Vogmask website.
You probably know that Vogmask products look cool and come in a variety of styles, but in todays world we are much more concerned with the filtration efficiency of these facemasks and the degree of protection they provide.
Quick Note: Vogmasks are popular but one thing we do not like is that they do not offer masks with replaceable filters.
The Review Werx Vogmask Review
These products look good but have limitations as noted above.
Vogmask products are made in South Korea. Due to some kind of issue with the South Korean government concerning a freeze on the export of face masks from South Korea during the coronavirus crisis, the company was unable to receive their supply of face masks for a long period in 2020. And, like other higher quality face mask companies, once this exportation problem is resolved it would not be unexpected that high demand will make product availability a continued problem for shoppers, at least for some time.
In the meantime, here are some impressive specs as provided on the Vogmask website (April 2020).
Two Types Of Vogmask
Vogmasks come in two different material types, ‘Microfiber’ and ‘Organic’. Both are equally efficient. Both have the same high efficiency particle filter sewn into the middle layer of the mask. See photo below.
The ‘microfiber’ masks have an outer layer, 95% particle filtering media, a carbon filter, and one exhalation valve to allow exit of moisture and heat from the interior of the mask.
The ‘organic’ masks have an organic cotton outer layer, a highly efficient particle filter middle layer, no carbon media, no exhale valves, and a protective inner layer of organic cotton that has not been dyed. The only difference between the microfiber and organic cotton Vogmasks is the material on the outer and inner layer.
The microfiber masks come with one valve.
The organic cotton masks come either with no valve or two valves.
Vogmask Effeciency
“IMPORTANT NOTE: Vogmask is designed as filtering face mask for particles and is marketed for general use without fit testing on each mask wearer. Vogmask Technical File includes Fit Testing on human test subjects to confirm filtering efficiency across a series of motions in independent fit testing lab. The filtering efficiency of a mask depends on a good seal around the nose and mouth.
NIOSH certifies respirators for occupational safety when administered through OSHA Compliant Respirator Safety Program to include Fit Testing on each worker. Vogmask is marketed directly to the public for general use. For this reason, NIOSH does not certify Vogmask for workplace. Vogmask shows conformance to US standards in testing and holds Certificate KF94 from Korean Minstry of Food and Drug Safety. The technical below provides conformance testing and international certificates to support Vogmask product safety and efficiency.”
More details on the Vogmask performance certifications and testing can be found on the Vogmask website.